Thursday, February 28, 2013

Carbine is Listening!

When the creators of WildStar told us that they took their community very seriously, they weren't kidding!

I started this blog recently because I simply couldn't contain my enthusiasm about WildStar for much longer and I /had/ to share my ideas with others, especially the role-playing community. Imagine then, my utter shock and delight as Executive Producer Jeremy Gaffney himself was the first commenter on my blog. (Which if you haven't read yet, check it out here,)

And it didn't stop there. I created a link to my blog on the WildStar subreddit in hopes of drawing some views and maybe some comments from my fellow WildStar enthusiasts. It was here that Jeremy Gaffney once again stepped in with one of the most impressive displays of PR I've seen. Right here, in the thick of the community, he asked us what WE wanted to see. What did the roleplaying community want from WildStar? What was important to us? The thread immediately went wild with people excited to share our opinions and ideas and was linked across the community!

“Mr. Gaffney has a question for us over on Reddit!” on WildStar Roleplay
“WildStar Role-Players Assemble!” on ZAM
“Jeremy Gaffney has a question for the roleplaying community!” on WildStar Central

And it goes further! Not long after this the Senior Community Manager David Bass (also known online as Scooter) gave the roleplaying community some brand new information regarding an amazing in-game chat feature which you should check out on the WildStar Central forums, here.

This goes to show that not only are Carbine studios taking their roleplaying community very seriously, they ARE listening to US. They WANT to know what we think.

Suddenly this game is no longer that exciting, but out-of-reach concept we are waiting with bated breath for. It is a source of pride as we become a living breathing part of this creation.

So go out there and make yourselves hear, Carbine is listening!

Edit: Almost forgot to include this: One of the early examples that Carbine studios was listening to their fans. A Traitor's Whim  created by Dyraele in 2012 was made into a song and posted on the Youtube channel for WildStarOnline which you can listen to here!

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